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“Pedro, in addition to being a great pianist, has a splendid vision of Art and is of great human value”

Helena Sá e Costa

O Primeiro de Janeiro

“A fascinating personality. An amazing pianist. You can spend endless hours of immense pleasure listening to Pedro Burmester.”

Maria José Belo Marques

Lisbon Diary

These “Goldberg Variations” thus remain a fundamental reference for the excellent discography that it is possible and necessary to provide to Portuguese performers when they are able to assert themselves in their own right (and not by mere citizenship status) at the remarkable artistic level of this performer. of exception that anywhere in the world could (and is) being recognized as a great musician.”

Rui Vieira Nery

The Independent

“Question: What about the album you liked the most recently? Answer: Bach, by Pedro Burmester”

Sérgio Godinho

in Revista do Independente 

“… in short: this recital (Gulbenkian 15.02.89) constituted, perhaps, a real trial by fire for the young pianist. After him, Pedro Burmester has the obligation not to stop, to continue on the path of deepening his pianistic and interpretative capabilities, of which he has just given unequivocal proof of great significance.”

Nuno Barreiros

Popular Diary

Encore un, diz vous? Et dans ce repertoire en plus.

Mais, c'est dans les partitions rabichées qu'on reconnait les grands artistes. Et en voici un venue du Portugal. Il a le panache, la fougue, l' aisance d'un maitre. Dans la fantasy de Schumann, il y un fluidiée et une légêrere très romantique, qui n' exclut pas une profondeur renversante: écoutez le troisieme mouvemenc: on ne peur se lasser de l'écouter en boucle. Et la sonate de Liszt passe à la meme allure, tellement le tmps est subjectif d'un artiste à l'autre.

Le mouvement est construit, le discours est limpid et fulguranc: cest un feu d'artifice de couleurs digne des plus grands. Une révélation


Le Monde de la Musique

“Er ist pianistisch vorzüglich ausgebildet, spielt beneidentswert mühelos und hat die Gabe die Aufmerksamkeit des Hörers festzuhalten.”

Alfred Brendel

in personal letter

“… Burmester confirms his qualities as a musician, who, by going beyond the gratuitous representation of talent, propose his own attitude of thinking about music.”

Miguel Sobral Cid


I was able to follow Mr. Pedro Burmester development as a concert-pianist during several years and I am happy, that I can propose him as an accomplished concert-pianist. He has a strong personality, imposes himself on the audiences, has an astonishing creativity in his interpretation and a perfect technical quality.

His intelligence and musical culture are immediately noticed and I am convinced, that Pedro Burmester will establish a world-wide name in the future of the musical life.”

Rolf Liebermann

personal letter

“Question: Who is the best Portuguese musician today? Answer: It’s Pedro Burmester, isn’t it?”

Rui Reininho


“…in addition, it is a pleasure to observe Burmester's style, a slight figure, who manages to obtain immense strength; absolute relaxation and security; the weight all concentrated in the hand, like the “lion's paw” that my colleague Maria Helena de Freitas spoke of, and wrist work supporting the attack on the phrasing, the weight of each absolutely remarkable passage. In an interpretation like this, there would be everything to praise, but I will limit myself to three moments of ineffable beauty: the presentation of the 2nd theme and continuation of the exposition of the 1st and.; without further ado, the entire central «Adagio»; and the way he launched the final «Rondó». It was the consummation of an explosion that, in the end, spread to a euphoric public.”

Bernardo Mariano

Diario de Notícias

«…Burmester treated the large audience to a clear and transparent reading of this Mozartean page, with a clear enunciation of the phrasing, great poetic sensitivity and the necessary impetuosity, in the abundant passages of greater drama that populate the score.”

Cristina Fernandes


“Burmester is a remarkable reality in the Portuguese music scene”

Maria Teresa Macedo

O Primeiro de Janeiro

“Burmester wanted to show that one thing is vicissitudes, another is his musical genius, and he surpassed himself. Roseta showed that he knows how to distinguish those who deserve to be distinguished and went to hear him in Queluz. An absolutely unforgettable concert, the jewel in the crown of the Sintra Festival.”

Maria João Avillez


“Pedro Burmester has a fantastic talent, very intelligent and it was a pleasure working with him”

Peter Lang

said to D. Helena Costa

“It is superfluous to talk about technical issues, as the pianist's availability to tackle any repertoire, no matter how virtuosic the piece, has long been evident. But, unlike so many others, Pedro Burmester always searches for the most essential side of music. The repertoire he presents and the way he plays it confirm this. With the great piano masters, he shares this attitude of apparent detachment and coldness. This grants you the freedom of mind to embark on any journey. From the music he plays, we realize, after all, that the pianist's involvement is total. This attitude of false detachment and rigor thus allows Pedro Burmester to make what truly matters appear. The dramatic characteristics of this music therefore appear in the foreground, without spectacular gestures, with a fair sense of economy of means. But the expressive power of the music we hear is so evident that it seems to come from much further and deeper than the piano we see. That's the art. This is Art.”

Fernando C. Lapa


“Burmester is an artist who has personality to spare and moves with ease through the difficulties of the programs he proposes: Schubert, Mozart, Haydn, Copland and above all a superb Kreislerian, approached with a wide range of technical possibilities and the confident attitude of who is aware of his means, but even more certain of really having something to say.”

Alfredo Tarallo

Il Matutino

When an artist who is still young rises so high, stops sterile celebrity, prefers to follow his successes and fully immerses himself in chamber music, then it can be said that he reaches maturity early. This is undoubtedly the case of the pianist Pedro Burmester, who, moreover, his distinguished teacher, Helena Moreira de Sá e Costa, always predicted something very unique within this difficult and arduous Portuguese musical life.”

Jose Atalaya


“For me, Pedro Burmester is not a good Portuguese pianist, he is much more than that. He is a great pianist who can perform all over the world.”

Maria João Pires


“In Pedro Burmester, the unprejudiced, anti-schematic and creative way in which he views his work as an interpreter and dissemination of great music is especially stimulating for the listener, for the general public.”

José Jorge Letria


“Pedro Burmester was the first attraction at the Gulbenkian concerts. In the small constellation of great Portuguese pianists of our time, Burmester is a star of the first magnitude.”

José Blanc de Portugal

Diário de Notícias

"He is a musician with a great sense of humor. And that is fundamental to me. He has a fantastic open-mindedness towards other styles of music and does not get stuck in that restrictive, purist mindset that often happens with classical musicians. Although he is not a composer - which he admittedly is not - he has such a unique and powerful power of interpretation that he appropriates any theme as if it were his own."

Bernardo Sassetti

News Diary

Though an exquisite pianist, Mr.Burmester, now 32, does not have the kind of attention-grabbing technique that typically wins competitions. He cultivates clarity, fluidity and suppleness and is more interested in breadth of statement than in edge-of-the-seat excitement.

Anthony Tommasini

The New York Times

A peine rentre-il en scène qu’ Anner Bylsma séduit déjà un public tout acquis à sa

cause, celle d’une musicalité sans concession.

Aux côtés du petit bonhomme hollandais; le pianiste portugais Pedro Burmester fait figure.

Attaquant d’emblée la sonate n°3 op.69 de Beethoven, l’énergie résultante de ce couple

bigarré est étonnante de dynamisme. Écrite dans la période dematurité du

compositeur, Ia sonate va comme un gant au duo: un violoncelle chantant, douceureux, accompagné par un piano pétillant, lívre et léger.

Les sonates de Debussy et de Schubert furent autant de sommets dans un concert que

jamais ne délaissèrent qualité et inspiration.

Pierre Hacha

Vers lávenù

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