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Pedro Martins da Costa Burmester

Pedro Burmester
Pedro Burmester

He was born in Porto, Portugal, on October 9, 1963. He was a student of Helena Sá e Costa for 10 years. He continued his studies in the United States with Sequeira Costa, Leon Fleisher and Dmitri Paperno. He participated in masterclasses with Jorg Demus, Aldo Ciccolini, Karl Engel, Vladimir Ashkenazy, Tatjana Nikolaiewa and Elisabeth Leonskaja. He received a scholarship from the Austrian Ministry of Culture and attended the Salzburg Summer Academy for 10 consecutive years. He was not yet 26 years old and was already referred to as "one of the most relevant cases of a pianist that emerged among us" by national critics and by his peers with whom he crossed paths internationally. He was awarded national and international awards (2nd place in the Vianna da Motta competition and Jury Discretionary Award from the Van Cliburn Jury, in the United States, among others). He has played with numerous orchestras (Gulbenkian Orchestra, Liège Orchestra, Zagreb Philharmonic, London Symphony Orchestra, Autralian Chamber Orchestra, among others) and international conductors such as Georg Solti, Baldur Bronnimann, Leon Fleisher, Michael Zilm, Muhai Tang among others, on various stages around the world. But he never moved away from Portugal or its cultural life, having always supported initiatives aimed at promoting national culture. He met some of our greatest artists, Amália Rodrigues, Maria João Pires, Mário Claúdio, Eugénio de Andrade, Júlio Resende, Nadir Afonso, Agustina Bessa Luís, José Saramago, Carlos Paredes, Álvaro Siza Vieira, Eduardo Souto Moura, Manuel de Oliveira, Emmanuel Nunes, Pedro Cabrita Reis, Helena Sá e Costa, Sequeira Costa, Fernando Lopes-Graça, and thus had the opportunity to experience their knowledge. Pedro Burmester was a promoter and supporter of numerous artistic projects, Festivals and Chamber Music Groups that are still in full activity today. He has always accepted to participate in artistic innovative projects, avant-garde technologies, thus contributing to the contemporaneity of Portuguese culture. Quoting Fernando C. Lapa, "The pianist Pedro Burmester, in addition to his brilliant career as a performer, has revealed a healthy concern with how true music can reach the public, without useless formalisms or elite barriers. He too is open to experiments" (Público 14.02.99). An eclectic artistic figure, devoid of dogmatic prejudices, he promoted transversality in artistic expressions, integrating projects which brought together Music with Dance (with the Ballet Gulbenkian and the Paulo Ribeiro Company), Cinema (with the Cinemateca Portuguesa), the Visuals Arts, the Performing Arts (concerts staged with Graça Lobo and Ricardo Pais). Pedro Burmester is certainly the musician who has participated most often in national classical music festivals and piano cycles and has performed in the main national and international venues. From the Concert Hall of the Sydney Opera House, where he performed on 22.11.1997, to the small Church of Aldeia do Piodão, Pedro Burmester always plays for his audiences with the same professionalism, dedication and objective of sharing and enrichment. He was decorated with the Degree of Knight of the Order of Santiago de Espada by the President of the Portuguese Republic Mário Soares and the Degree of Commander by the Order of Infante D. Henrique by the President of the Republic Jorge Sampaio. Pedro Burmester recorded eighteen albums, having recorded solo, namely the EMI – Schumman/Schubert editions; Bach; Goldberg Variations, with orchestra and chamber music. He also has live recordings, namely "3 Pianos" with Bernardo Sassetti and Mário Laginha and "Ao vivo na Casa da Música". In 1999, at the height of his career, he left the stage, challenged by Manuel Maria Carrilho and Artur Santos Silva to embrace the Casa da Música project. Initially, as a member of the Installation Committee and Executive Committee of the Porto 2001 Society, and later as Artistic and Educational Director of Casa da Música He was responsible for defining and organizing the Resident Structures (Porto Symphony Orchestra Casa da Música, Remix Ensemble, Baroque Orchestra, Opera Studio, Educational Service), programming strategy, programming and production budget, and partnership and hosting policies of the Casa da Música Foundation. Ten years later, Pedro Burmester returned to his Artistic and Teaching activity, and is currently teaching the Bachelor's and Master's Degree in Piano and Chamber Music at the School of Performing Arts in Porto, in addition to the various masterclasses and other brief courses where he trains young pianists. Married since 2002 to Helena Costa, he is the father of four children, João, Júlia, Ricardo and Maria Inês. Aware of the price he would represent in his career as a performer, the decision to step away from the stage in exchange for the creation and implementation of Casa da Música, Pedro Burmester, chose not to sign a contract with an international agent again, opting instead to dedicate himself to Portuguese cultural life, almost exclusively. It continued to be present on the main national stages (Gulbenkian Grand Auditorium, Sala Suggia Casa da Música, Music Festivals and Piano Cycles), but now its main priority is to support national artistic projects aimed at the professionalization of agents of Portuguese culture, as well as to train a new generation of pianists who will establish the name of Portugal in the international artistic environment. He is certainly one of the most wanted piano teachers in Portugal.

Pedro Burmester
Pedro Burmester
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