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He began teaching at the age of 26, invited by his teacher Helena Sá e Costa, to teach piano at the newly created Escola Superior de Música e Artes do Espetáculo, in Porto. For a period of 10 consecutive years, in addition to teaching, he collaborated in the structuring of the piano course, namely in defining its academic curricula and assessment methodologies. He invited Professor Luís Filipe Sá to join the school, initially as his assistant and later as a teacher of the instrument course, sight reading and accompaniment.

After a 10-year break from teaching (Pedro Burmester was a member of the Executive Committee of Porto 2001, European Capital of Culture, and later the Artistic Director of Casa da Música), he returned to teaching, first at the University of Évora and later, simultaneously, at the University of Aveiro and the Professional School of Music of Espinho. In 2010, he returned exclusively to the Escola Superior de Música e Artes do Espectáculo, where,he still teaches piano (undergraduate and master's degrees) and chamber music.

Public news about Pedro as a teacher

Pedro Burmester is frequently invited to teach technical and interpretative improvement masterclasses at various music schools.

Some examples:

Music Course in Fralães/ Luiz Costa

Masterclasses in Rio de Janeiro and Curitiba (Fundação Cultural de Curitiba)

Porto Piano Fest

Espinho Professional Music School

Improvement Course for Young Musicians, in Campos de Jordão, Brazil

Technical and Instrumental Improvement Course at ARTAVE.

National Conservatory School of Music

Further development course in Vila do Conde

Porto Music Conservatory

Paços de Brandão Music Academy

Vilar do Paraíso Music Academy

among others.



Pedro Burmester already has a wide range of students with an established professional career, both in the teaching and performing areas. In a ceremony at the Cupertino de Miranda Foundation, Pedro Burmester sponsored Filipe Pinto Ribeiro, Luís Miguel Magalhães, Luísa Tender and Elsa Silva, but to these are added other names, such as: Bárbara Dória, André Teixeira, Tiago Rosário, Daniel Hart, Pedro Lopes, João Bettencour da Câmara, João Xavier, Francisco Fernandes, Pedro Lopes, Ana Queiroz, João Aboim, Pablo Catalão, Eduardo Resende.

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